Hints and Miscellaneous Features
All patient data is save approximately every 20-120 seconds (depending on processor speed). Occasional crashes may occur, the basic chart note will always be there (some tool data may be lost however, if you had a particular tool open and in use. Future versions will likely have a tool save feature).
- Right click on the patient name in the main Patient Display window to bring up the options menu allowing additional features to be accessible.
- Need to change a patient name because of a typo or legal name change? Right click the patient name and choose 'Modify Name' to change the name. This is the only way to change a name without causing potential errors in the patient database.
- The best way to enter exam information is to use the 'Tool Buttons' located on the ToolBox tab on the left-side of the screen. By proceeding stepwise down the buttons, most common exam information can be entered with a minimum of typing.
- You can check the overall status of your progress with the encounter by clicking 'Sign/Finalize' button at the bottom left. If Tools remain incomplete the status mark will be checked red. Simply 'Cancel' to return to the encounter.
- You can delete an unsigned encounter at anytime by clicking on the menu at the top of the encounter form and choosing 'Delete Encounter.' Or, from the Encounter List screen, right-click the encounter and choose 'Delete'. Only pending encounters can be deleted. Care must be taken, as data is not retrievable once deleted.
- When opening a new encounter, a calendar pops up for choosing an encounter date. This allows extra flexibility for building encounters. You are currently limited to one encounter per patient per day. If you need to make an addendum or additional entry, create an encounter 1 day in the future or create a custom report using the Report Builder.
- Data can be entered for lensometry and automated instruments by using the scroll bars on the Automated Instruments tool. Clicking on the sphere power converts from negative to positive powers and vice versa. Click on the cylinder button converts from cylinder to spherical. If an inappropriate power is entered (e.g. axis with no cylinder given), the buttons will highlight in red.
- Want to change or add an insurance company to the main list? From the main menu screen, choose the 'Program Settings' option and click the 'Insurances' tab. You can now edit the list of available insurances. You can also edit the lists of local cities, zipcodes and providers by using the 'Program Settings->Display Options' tab.
- When entering tonometry readings, you may inadvertantly add a second reading rather than a new reading for the other eye. Click on the button diplaying the reading you wish to remove and it will be erased.
- Diopter powers can be set to 1/4 or 1/8th steps. If you regularly use 1/8th steps for most of your data, you can set the default to a global 1/8th by using 'Program Settings' and choosing the 'Display Options' tab.
- A quick and easy way to pull up a patient by partial name is to use the 'QuickLink Bar' found just above the patient list. By typing just a few letters of the last name or a combination of a few letters last name plus a letter for the first, the search feature will find the nearist match and diplay for you.
- Need to search for a patient by the last exam date or by chart number? You can do an advanced search by clicking the 'Advanced Search' button next to the 'QuickLink Bar' (or use the icon next to the patient name in the 'Chart Tabs' section).
- When entering tonometry readings, you may inadvertantly add a second reading rather than a new reading for the other eye. Click on the button diplaying the reading you wish to remove and it will be erased.
- Throughout the program, you can use the standard Windows Cut & Paste commands to insert text in various areas (e.g. into 'Notes', data fields, even Rx boxes).
- Blue transfer buttons may be seen throughout the program. You can use these buttons to transfer prior data or 'default' data to the new fields (e.g. auto-refraction to spectacles, prior contact lenses, etc).
- To enter a 'Balance Lens' for an Rx, simply right-click the sph button on the spectacle tool to pull up the menu choice.
- Unable to get a reading on your auto-keratometer and want to indicate that on the tool? Simply right-click any of the 'K' buttons on the 'Automated Instrument' tool to pull up the menu and choose 'No Reading'. An indication of NR will be put in the encounter when the tool data is accepted.
- To easily enter RGP contact lens parameters, choose the 'Advanced Parameters' button on the 'Contacts Tool'. The full range of parameters can be entered for either soft or rigid contacts.
- To edit a drawing once it is inserted into the encounter, close out the chart (to reset the image module). Re-open the chart in 'Chart Review' mode (instead of double clicking on the 'Encounter View' list, use the button on bottom labeled 'Chart View Summary'. Click on the left-sided 'Images' tab and then click edit (or double-click image). You can only edit unsigned images.
- To print a report for a finalized patient (for instance a 'spectacle re-check sheet' or 'contact lens training sheet' or other handout, switch to 'Chart View Summary'. Click the left-sided 'Summary' tab and look for the 'Reports' button on the far right corner. Various reports can be generated and printed, without having to open an actual encounter.