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(Note: The new version of EyeCharts has been renamed to ezChartWriter)
ezChartWriter Software License

$329.00*per location/per year (unlimited computers/doctors!)
(*annual fee, which applies to each clinic/location using the software)

Your Email:


Your Clinic Telephone Number
(as displayed in ezChartWriter):


NOTE:  Your clinic telephone number serves as part of your registration code and must match the phone number you enter in ezChartWriter.  Your registration code will usually be emailed to you within 24 hrs.

Description of Product

Annual Licensing Fee

ezChartWriter v4.0 (includes all modules)

$329.00 per year

Prefer to order by mail or FAX?  Use this form to send in your order:  PAPER ORDER FORM      
Order by telephone at (800) 497-3599




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